

AZUMI LADI DANAT (ALDA) FOUNDATION is a humanitarian initiative committed to promoting human welfare. It was founded by businesswoman Azumi Ladi Danat whose passion is to give hope to the poor and needy by empowering orphans, vulnerable children and widows; to provide health care services, education, make advocacy on rape, drug use, women and child’s rights and related issues.

Our mission is implemented through our programmes, outreaches and activities which enable the Foundation to dignify its beneficiaries by focusing on health, education, empowerment and advocacy. 

In central Nigeria where our presence is strong, the ongoing insecurity has further impoverished the dominantly agrarian families and communities.

We recognize that the indigent, vulnerable, widows and the needy can add value to themselves and to society if some of these barriers are cleared off their way. Therefore, our work is to give them a chance to make their lives more productive.

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Changing people’s lives comes with a sense of fulfillment. Lets together making a mark on society

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